Lumeris endless space 2 guide
Lumeris endless space 2 guide

lumeris endless space 2 guide lumeris endless space 2 guide

Who by all means were no slouches but felt very underwhelming if you didn't master them in and out. Feels like my favorite faction (Ardent Mages) from Endless Legend all over again. Im sure this isnt the best explanation and is subject to a few shortcomings considering im still experiementing with them, but of all the factions ive played this one has been the hardest to optimize for me. This was in response to a post pre-release that stated they were too strong of which I strongly disagree. As well as later developments getting much more expensive (even with a 30% decrease on buyout) so ignoring industry is simply not optional nor science for that matter. One could argue to buy the improvements but their dust doesnt kick off much more rapidly then most other factions lest you settle purely on fertile planets alone and plenty at that which again cuts off somewhat from heavy scientific and for that matter industrial planets not to mention hordering dust meaning you wouldn't have very many colonies too begin with.

lumeris endless space 2 guide

Their biggest flaw taking all these things into account is the lack of scientific and/or industrial specialization considering they need at least one to get anything done. Also their population which only boost dust output by 3 should the planet be fertile of which in many cases (luxury/strategic resource) planets are far from being as well as an obvious trade off seeing as most science and industry boosting improvements require hot, cold or sterile planets netting them yet another loss of resources should they choose to rely on population for gold output by lets say for example a means of terraforming sterile to fertile. I dont know if theyve been through any changes since the official release but playing them now, they feel very weak imo as their only real faction benefit is buying and trading systems, which scale heavily in terms of the dust required to create an outpost and the fact that trading them afterwards is generally a bad idea unless you explored the region so fast you took systems closer to another faction.

Lumeris endless space 2 guide